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Perform in the Festival!

We are so excited for this years festival event and are looking forward to seeing all the talent our members possess shine on stage and behind the scenes!

What Does Perfoming in the Festival Look Like?

Performing in the Stagefright Fringe Festival will be an opportunity for anyone that wants to participate.  We have many opportunities to chose from and explore. Read about the general information down below! Opportunities will update as pieces are selected. Please note that none of these opportunities are guaranteed and we will be selecting pieces based on interest.

Performance Opportunities

10 Min Musical

MTI offers licensing for 10-minute long small cast musicals. We have curated a collection of shows that would work great for Stagefright, click the links below for more information on what these entail!

Open to: ALL!

Musical Revue

Revues are collections of musical theatre elements (song, dance, acting) composed under a common theme such as a composer, period, or genre. Click the links below to learn more about the revues we have found fitting for Stagefright!

Open to: ALL!

One Act Plays/Small Scenes and Original Works

Directors may chose a one act play or small scene.  If these are of interest to you, you maybe audition to be a part of these pieces.

Open to: ALL!

Choreographic Works

Coreographers may chose to choreograph a small piece.  If these are of interest to you, you maybe audition to be a part of these pieces.

Open to: ALL!

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